Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Anyone for some Clapotis?

Well, I've worked my way to the point in my queue where I get to decide: Samus, Clapotis, Ribby Cardi, more scarves and hats and gloves and socks, Fuzzy Feet, or something else? I'm thinkin' Clapotis, and I'm thinking I'm going to start it sometime in early January. Might any of you be interested in joining me in this endeavor?

I may work on Clapotis in parallel with the "more scarves and hats and gloves and socks" option as well -- I think it'll be nice to have one large, longer-term project going at the same time as smaller, shorter-term projects.


Blogger Jerry & Maxy said...

Oh, I'm in too. Although I'm not as far along as Carolyn yet...after the holidays I'll get ready.


5:02 PM  
Blogger Zonda said...

Hi, I may be interested in starting this...or my ribbi cardi..what yarn are you all using for yours?

6:08 PM  
Blogger Jerry & Maxy said...

I have some No No Kitty Monty wool on the way, I was thinking of using that... everyone else?

8:12 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

I need some yarn. I might use a GC that I got to kpixie to buy some more SWTC Karaoke unless something else grabs me. Not sure if I can do Clapotis and Ella at the same time though...

1:56 PM  
Blogger Jerry & Maxy said...

Kim!!! You need to do your Ella!!! Mine is still on hold, but as soon as get back east, I'll be back at it! Did you end up getting some Brooks Farm?

6:11 PM  
Blogger Zonda said...

Well, I realized that I had already ordered knitpicks sock garden in pansy....and it is enough to do it..yippee...(already ordered too much today as it is..happy anniversary to me!) Can't wait to start it

8:39 PM  

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