Making Progress
I've dropped 2 stitches now. On purpose! Whee! I did have a problem when I dropped the first one. I misinterpreted the instructions for picking up the bar and knitting it and the next through the back legs. I did just that. Meaning, I knit them each separately through their back legs and kept on. I didn't do a K2togbl. When I got to the next knit row and realized my mistake, I tinked back to the purl side, purled 2tog, put that stitch back on the left needle and p2tog again. It looks alright. But I'll know better next time. Geez.
Hmm. My first time through, I did the k2tog tbl, but then wound up with an interval of only five stitches between markers, so I ripped it back and knit each stitch separately through the back loop. That has given me a consistent 6 stitches between markers. But now I'm worried -- might I be forgetting to p2tog when I come back the other way? Anyone else have any thoughts?
Hmmm...really? I end up with the RIGHT stitch count when I do it that way. Oh geez, just shoot me now.
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